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Lot of 5 lighters Canna-Shops
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Canna-Shops offers lighters, lighters with stone, printed the logo of our headshop.
Our lighters provide the best quality market prices.
Lighters sold by pack of 5 for 1,95€ (0.39€ the cigarette lighter)
or the box full for 13.90€ (0.27€ the cigarette lighter).
• Lighters sold per pack of 5 or box of 50
• Lighters stone
• Adjustable flame
4,90 €
0,60 €
0,90 €
16,90 €
2,40 €
0,50 €
0,90 €
0,95 €
3,90 €
2,50 €
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Contient-il bien 5 briquets basique normale cannashop pour le prix de 1.85 je vous remercie de votre réponse
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